Thursday, August 04, 2005

Winter Haiku

since i've just created this blog or, rather, since this blog has just been created for me by ME-- i think i will keep this bit of writng short and hopefully sweet. sweet? well, palatable, at least...

i don't know exactly why i chose this moment in mest time to do this but maybe it is peer pressure from the 'kosmoid brainthing' forcing me to be compliant with the ways and means of this old shell of a world called, by some,' teegeeack' and by others just 'the mudball' and yet by others 'earth' or 'kadoor aretz' or...

oh, yeah, the bionic brain thinks short and sweet but the thetan, who creates matter, energy, space, and time using postulates and viewpoints, rarely thinks but often things so that short and sweet edges on becoming long and...

hopefully not boring. but--yata hei! isn't this supposed to be an intro to me? well, in virtual reality, technorati like, i think it really can be anything i/me/we want it to be just as long as it is captivating and maybe a bit 'non-logical' and, via the subtext, actually intros me to you. is that, sort of, correct?

it isn't like i'm a n00b or anything like that for i've been on the net, in one capacity or another, since the late 80's so...

first was irc, then came the internet (arpanet for me), then came the www...

now we have almost achieved mass 'world brain' status so that, for all intents and purposes, this 'cyberbrain' is really helping us to be that ``we are all one'' of the earlier, vedic, pioneers. i like individuality too much to sacrifice my sovereignty for the democratic 'elixer' of the overall 'mind-f**k' that democracy really is...

so, no, i'm not in the least a demo-rat.

the war in iraq, police action, is on my mind today, for some reason, but so is the injustice of the 'irs' and the overall 'amerikkkan' people. i read lew rockwell but that doesn't make me a libertarian, does it? my favorite columnist there is 'karen kwiatkowski' who is a retired usaf colonel and a 'woman.' a real woman! yeah! i wish more women would stand up and be counted.

think back to when this nation was FOGC'd over there in the mind of jolly old king george and the 'banksters' supporting him. the real operation 'mindf**k' began with the british trading company whose stars and stripes with the 'union hack' in the upper left hand corner is now flown over the united states {though the jack has become 'stars'}, a private corporation run out of the 'crown,' so...isn't that all so very magnificent?

stargate in iraq? real reason for the war there? aliens invading ye old 'planet blue' from goddess knows where? ha! so say the exo-politicians. i don't know. i ask myself daily if i even care for it all seems so...made up and re-programmed and holo-world genesis'd. a virtual reality holovid game that i just happen to be krufted into at some point in the overall mest of it all.

now, now...

this is just an intro to be created so i'll just leave it at that. having gotten my feet wet elsewhere i'll dry them off with my tears later and present this for inspection. see ya later. yeah, i will grow this thing. and once it reaches maturation/saturation point...move on.
